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Welcome to Salsastudio. We offer Salsa lessons and we guarantee you will have FUN!!!
Our Salsa series are 6 weeks, one hour per class. Each level and series offers different materials and we review each class so you never forget what you learned.
All our Latin dance classes are progressive and reviewed during the each dance class. We also encourage you to stay after the class and practice at our mini social with your partner for FREE .
We are starting our new MONDAY SALSA series on MARCH 3 Mondays for Salsa Intro and Intermediate lessons. Our lessons are progressive, drop ins are welcome.
SALSA 1 (A, B, C SERIES) MONDAYS, 927 Granville 7:20 - 8:25PM
The Salsa Beginner series covers the fundamentals of Salsa. In this series you will learn the Salsa Basic, New Yorker, New Yorker Right turn, Double hand turn, Cross body, Outside turn, Cross body inside turn, Open break with leg swivel, cumbia turn and spot turn combination patterns. Most importantly you will learn musicality with LEADING & FOLLOWING. It is recommended that students finish both series before going into Intermediate level. 90% of Vancouver's better performers and social dancers started with our classes to get a great foundation. We GUARANTEE our lessons to be FUN, SOCIAL and EASY!!!
SALSA 2 (A, B, C SERIES) MONDAYS, 927 Granville 8:30 - 9:30PM
This is when it gets interesting. We teach turning patterns that are easy to lead/follow while helping you looking great and have a great time with EVERYONE on the dance floor. The combo we teach allows a lead to mix and match his patterns and allows the follow to build her following techniques. Please note that there are 3 Intermediate series in our program. Intermediate A,B and C. We recommend you finished all 3 Levels as a lead and at least 2 as a follow before moving onto our Advance Salsa lessons.
Salsa Practice party is FREE for our students. You can come after the lesson and dance with some of Vancouver's best dancers and meet wonderful people while getting better with your Salsa techniques. Open to public as well with a fee.

Semi Private training group on Saturdays 8PM. This training group will be open to current students and will have a maximum of 6 couples. Your tuition will include the Saturday night parties. You will need to sign up as a pair.
Conditions!!! We are doing this to fast track anyone who's serious about social dancing and wants to get better FAST. We ask anyone that wants to join this group to only join if you will be staying and dancing at the socials. Roger will be training you personally and dancing with everyone in this group. We will be working on spinning. Spotting. Are movements. Lead & follow.
Find a partner and Please reserve your spot
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